Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pixies: Gouge Away

Ah, the seminal Pixies. The classic soft - loud dynamic, enigmatic lyrics and Pixie goodness. Gouge Away is on the near perfect Doolittle and encapsulates everything I love about them. Sychophantic? You bet your ass, it's the Pixies! 

The somehow off-kilter and infectious guitar melodies of Joey Santiago, ethereal backing vocals and solid bass lines of Kim Deal, snappy beats of Davide Lovering and songwriting genius and novel vocal stylings of Frank Black - has there really ever been a better rock band?

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time to Listen:

Hiding underneath your desk as to avoid tedious busy work, while waiting for the boss to go to work.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Alan Arkin as George Aaronow in Glengarry Glen Ross.

Gouge Away - Pixies