Friday, March 27, 2009

Port O'Brien: I Woke Up Today

Yeah! Now that's a good morning romp. Sometimes folk, sometimes a musical ruckus, Port O'Brien draws largely on geographical surrounding creating a sound that varies from quirky, loose Pavement-type arrangements to Neutral Milk Hotel-type stoicism and brilliance. "I Woke Up Today" off The Wind and the Swell will put an extra scoot in your step and provide the perfect springboard into the upcoming weekend.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen

Morning, your house, with a side of runny eggs and toast.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be

Jacques Cousteau - Famed Oceanographer and Knit Hat Wearer

This song will give you that much needed caffeinated kick in the ass that you need to get this weekend party started.

I Woke Up Today - Port OBrien