Tuesday, March 31, 2009

School of Seven Bells - Connjur

Remember when 4AD featured the who's who of shoe-gaze rock, and of course, the Pixies? I love that stuff! School of Seven Bells would have fit comfortably with that crew but doesn't sound at all stuck in that time. A guy from Secret Machines was like, I want to leave this band to just focus on School of Seven Bells, and he did. And it's good, really good.

"Connjur" is from their album Alpinisms. This song is gorgeously layered like a sensible winter outfit. Sail cerebrally away with the soft, electronic arrangements and the sublime vocals supplied by twin sister vocalists.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

Those days that are cold enough to warrant warming up your car. You're sitting there, not moving a muscle, thanking the All Mighty that you only have to do this for a short stint out of the year. Make this your warm-up song.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Jane Fonda but only Jane Fonda as Barbarella.

If you don't like this super fantastic song, it's because you're a twin hater.

Click Link Below to Listen to Connjur

School of Seven Bells - Connjur.wma