Monday, April 13, 2009

Black Kids: I'm Making Eyes at You

Most the songs on Partie Traumatic have that infectious, I think I may want to dance to this feel from the get-go. "I'm Making Eyes at You" is an exception and actually conjured images of Napoleon Dynamite due to it's similarities with Alphaville's "Forever Young." But as soon as the beat kicks in, the Alphaville sentiment is washed away for the more familiar The Cure comparisons, hearkening to songs like "Close to Me."

The clap track and rich vocal layering on the chorus have a way of drilling into your brain and you will find yourself subconsciously looking for the next 80s night at a local club. No seriously, it's weird, it will happen.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

It's Friday night, you and your friends have piled into your car with the promise of "hittin' it." It will probably turn out like all of your Friday nights . . . in a grease trap talking about how lame the scenesters are, and how cool that certain club was when you first started going there . . . but at least the music will still be good.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Ally Sheedy, you guessed it, ala Breakfast Club. Although, Napoleon Dynamite was a close second.