Thursday, April 30, 2009

Old School Flaming Lips (Sorta) vs. Au Courant Flaming Lips (Kinda)

In an epic battle of old and new Flaming Lips, we pit the screeching psychedelic sounds and bassy vocal hook of Talkin' Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants to Live Forever) from Hit to Death in the Future Head against the exploratory soundscapes and storytelling of Fight Test from Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Yes they had four albums before Hit to Death and an album after Robots, but this is my blog. It's all undeniably Flaming Lips, but their sound took an unequivocal turn with The Soft Bulletin in 1999 (with Zareeka being the true bridge between old and new . . . in my not-so-humble opinion). Let's have a good clean fight!

Talkin Bout The Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues [Everyone Wants To Live Forever] (Video) - DAVE FRIDMANN

Fight Test (Music Video) - The Flaming Lips