Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cat Power: I Found a Reason

This song has an almost innate presence, as if it is supposed to be there. It's got this unexplainable organic quality as if its an extension of your own emotion. Chan's pacifying voice over the gentle piano arrangement creates a song that is powerful in its poignancy.

Originally a Velvet Underground song from their album Loaded, Chan lent her transformative powers to it and in that way she does, making it her own. The perfect prescription after a challenging morning of congested highways, bad radio DJs and allergies. You playing your violin for me? Pfft, I don't care, I've got Cat Power and that's all I need, and this cup of coffee, and that's all I need...the song and the coffee.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time to Listen:

If a vinyl copy exists, on your trusty record player, in your favorite chair consoled by a breeze from an open window.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Mother Nature. Absolutely no correlation to "Earth Day."

I Found A Reason -