Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Magnetic Fields - I Don't Believe in the Sun

Nope, with our continued deluge of rain and gray skies, I would have to agree with The Magnetic Fields and their disbelief in the sun. Stephin Merritt is as prolific a songwriter as there has ever been, possibly the Irving Berlin of our time, but unfortunately not as widely known or celebrated. Built on a simple arrangement, I Don't Believe in the Sun conveys the loss of a loved one (relationship gone bad or death, you be the judge) to no longer believing in the great ball of fire and gas in the sky. Well, the analogies flow forth about this person and the sun, I'm guessing because of the illumination that the both brought to the now sad singer's life.

So, Stephin Merritt's pain, our gain. Croon your sorrow Stephin!

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

Anywhere in a contemplative state, but would be uber fashionable while sitting in something retro modern.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

An introspective Philip Seymour Hoffman or PSH or the Hoff.

Self-inflicted mullygrubs await. And don't believe the hype, how could the sun possibly shine down on everyone?

I Dont Believe In The Sun - The Magnetic Fields