Saturday, April 18, 2009

Miniature Tigers: The Wolf

"The Wolf" appears on Miniature Tigers first full-length album Tell It to the Volcano. I first heard them on a SXSW mix and have enjoyed their quirky, sunny brand of rock ever since . . . for an entire month as a matter of fact. I find their sound to be influenced by the early 90s alternative bands made good and the simplicity but undeniable infectiousness to fuel thoughts of The Beta Band. It's Saturday and the weather is beautiful. If ever there was a sunny Saturday song, it is "The Wolf." The entire album is strong with bright metaphor, fantastic hooks and good ol' fashioned (see early 90s) indie pop.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

Group picnics that involve kickball and Southern Comfort.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Fozzy Bear.

The Wolf - Miniature Tigers