Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Interpol: Public Pervert

There are really no missteps on Antics. Interpol has carved out their own sound and possess a certain swagger that moves me to designate them as modern rock's answer to Frank Sinatra. Paul Bank's delivery may not be as grandiose, but he has that unique phrasing and a certain confidence that lends itself to crooning. But chiefly, it's in the lyrics. Can't you hear and picture Old Blue Eyes with scotch in hand singing this:

Oh, so swoon baby starry nights
May our bodies remain
You move with me, I'll treat you right, baby
May our bodies remain

There is love to be made
So just stay here for this while
Perhaps heart strings resuscitate
The fading sounds of your life

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

Mounting up for that hot date. Yeah, you know, the cologne has been splashed, you actually ironed your date shirt and you perused the news online as to appear up-to-date with current events.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

What a stunner, Frank Sinatra.

Click Below to Listen to Public Pervert