Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fugazi: Bad Mouth

For my money, there is not a single band around that possesses the punk rock ethic more than Fugazi. No frivolous merchandise, always cheap, price-controlled shows and uncompromising music. Although Minor Threat would be an even more punk rock choice when considering Ian MacKaye's projects, I like Fugazi better. Anyway, it's tax day, I'm feeling as anti-establishment as I ever have.

There is nothing particularly incendiary about the message or even political, but nonetheless, it's all in the spirit. One of my favorite chord progressions of all time paired with Ian MacKaye's patented vocal stylings makes this a timeless classic and a staple when reaching for something to embellish my angst.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time to Listen:

Any time and place you want to show the man what's what.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Jack Nicholson as R.P. McMurphy