Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Starflyer 59: Blue Collar Love

The Silver album was truly a revelation. Could a band on a Christian label really be sculpting out its own unique sound and not just be a poor man's version of what was popular a year prior? Starflyer 59's first album was truly a wonderful discovery and I've been a fan ever since. The Silver album had such a simple and brooding, but forward-thinking and calling up influences as wide ranging as My Bloody Valentine and Black Sabbath.

"Blue Collar Love" delivers a biting progression saturated in distortion and tremolo and is punctuated by the thin, almost airy, vocals. It's heavy, but accessible, gloomy yet invigorating.

Song Breakdown

Best Place and Time for Listen:

Smoke-filled, hole-in-the-wall club, it's just gotta be that way.

If This Song Was a Celebrity It Would Be:

Chuck Norris - walking out to that riff, then telling his foes in a low voice that they better get right or else. Yeah, you feel it too.

Blue Collar Love - Starflyer 59